Presentation Proposal Form
Please fill out the following information to submit your presentation proposal. Event sessions will be 35 minutes.
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Your Title
Your Company/Agency/School
Presentation Title
Presentation Abstract
Target Audience
Students (11th and 12th grade)
Job seekers
Both (if you select this option, you will present twice, once in the morning to students and once in the afternoon to job seekers)
Preferred Time Slot - Student Sessions (We will attempt to honor these requests, but availability in each slot is limited. Slots will be assigned first-come, first-served.)
Session 1 (students) 9:50-10:25 am
Session 2 (students) 10:30-11:05 am
Session 3 (students) 11:10-11:45 am
Session 4 (students) 11:50 am-12:25 pm
Preferred Time Slot - Job Seeker Sessions (We will attempt to honor these requests, but availability in each slot is limited. Slots will be assigned first-come, first-served.)
Session A (job seeker) 1:30-2:05 pm
Session B (job seeker) 2:10-2:45 pm
Session C (job seeker) 2:50-3:25 pm
Technical Requirements
Previous Speaking Experience
Should be Empty: